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Almost all that we do someone, sometime, somewhere, participated, witnessed, or heard about it. 'Call centers' are therefore instrumental in conditioning the social, economic, and political functioning of any community and country. These centers contribute to solving almost 95% of crimes and irregularities in every country that utilizes it. They are also effective when users choose to be anonymous to avoid reprisal. These centers should be provided by every community, state, and country. Every area of our political, economic and social function should participate in creating call centers. The media: television, radio and newspaper; government departments, educational institutions, communities etc. We sincerely encourage all to provide us information that will safeguard each and all of us. Example - There should be venues to report irregularities and receive appropriate response. Irregularities such as home invasion, accidents, fire, electric pole and wire damage, and imminent danger e.g. plan of mutiny against our elected officials, knowledge of plans for bank robbery, U.F.O. sightings etc. Security is a major determinant of where we choose to live. PLEASE USE THIS FORUM AS A MEDIUM TO REPORT ALL IRREGULARITIES. (Please ensure that you also report to authorities )
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