Nigerians Engaging Nigerians

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Here is the forum for real dialogue about our culture, our social structure. Our culture affects every part of our social, economic, and political life. It affect how we interact socially with each other which transcends to how we honor rules of trade in our production of goods and services and it's exchange, and it is a factor in our electoral process and our elected official's decision making process. Values differ from one nuclear family to another it is not universal. It is imperative that we inform and educate each other of acceptable and evolved values. Examples; The importance of the individual in society, importance of participation in the electoral process, what and how to eat healthy, responsibility and respect of self and the community, nuclear family financial management, patriotism, means to improve family communication, reasons for respecting the rule of law and trade, importance of a maintenance culture, and conversation on the use of individuals political and or financial power. It is equally important to discuss the necessary social restructure needed for our economic and political growth. These topics are just examples everyone is welcome to introduce their topics on this interactive forum. Please bring us all your knowledge, experience, and ideas that will strengthen our culture and restructure the social system.
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